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1 Feb 2025 8:06 pm
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With the 25% tariffs, all the Canadian pajeets will move to US, because you make more money, and it's warmer when you crap on the street.
 i literally hate those F'ers. they're so arrogant and I'm like...for what? nobody wants to visit your country of origin, they're ugly as sin, average IQ of india is 72, no white man ever said...oh wow I'm going to go to india to find myself a nice bride, and on top of all of it...for some reason they think they deserve to flaunt the arrogance they's maddening!
"no white man ever said...oh wow I'm going to go to india to find myself a nice bride"

You can always count on Trump to **** everything up.
 You retards really know how to pick em    
Trump’s failed businesses:    
1. Trump Steaks    
2. GoTrump     
3. Trump Airlines    
4. Trump Vodka    
5. Trump Mortgage    
6. Trump: The Game    
7. Trump Magazine    
8. Trump University    
9. Trump Ice     
10. The New Jersey Generals     
11. Tour de Trump     
12. Trump Network     
13. Trumped!     
14. Trump Oil Corporation    
Trump companies that sought bankruptcy protection:    
1. Trump Taj Mahal     
2. Trump’s Castle    
3. Trump Plaza Casinos    
4. Trump Plaza Hotel     
5. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts     
6. Trump Entertainment Resorts
libs are so F ing stupid.  Trump would have been out of office by now but NOOOOOO.,. they had to steal the 2020 election try to put him in jail on fake charges, russian collusion, J6 and all the other BS.

Now Trump don't give a f ling F and he's out for blood.  great going libs.. you are soooooo STOOOPID. lmfao.
 If Trudeau imposes retaliatory tarrifs then the US will increase Tarrifs. If they were to go to 40% or 50%

This would quickly crush Canada.

 If that happens Alberta will hold a referendum and immediately separate and establish itself as a republic and align with the US. There is a strong movement in Alberta to seperate already. 

 Saskatchewan will do the same as they have massive Potash deposits along with oil and many other resources.

 I am inclined to believe this is actually the plan in the US. They know Alberta and Saskatchewan are the most valuable and they know tarrifs will push then to immediate action. Alberta's premier has already said as much. 

 Ontario and Eastern Canada has no real value as it is manufacturing and services with some resources in Northern Ontario, some oil off the NFLD coast.  They can stay Canada, which will become a poor low cost manufacturer similar to Mexico. 14 CDN  to 1 US dollar. The rest is history. 

 Trump really wants Western Canada as that is where all the value is located. The Empire is collapsing and he needs the basic necessities, especially energy, potash, food production areas and it provides considerable territory. This is being done in order to save it over the long term. That is what he is doing.

The plan was to destroy and divide Russia for exploitation of resources by the EU and the US as a way to dominate the World. That has been a total failure.

Now this is the last play that America has or it will end up destroyed, decimated and become a non-player in the World. 
"The EMPIRE is collapsing and he [DRUMPF] needs the basic necessities, esp. energy, potash, food production areas" 

"The plan was to destroy and divide Russia for exploitation of resources by the EU and the US as a way to dominate the World. That has been a total failure."

@Sumela will get a boner when he reads these 2 lines  Image  
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