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31st Arrival
2 Feb 2025 7:29 am
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nefarious101 » 02 Feb 2025, 8:13 am » wrote: Tariffs, royalties, user fees, cut cutting, business taxes, economic expansion, and most of all "COMMON SENSE"...a MAGA buzz word that drive the PEDO-Progs insane...AI itself can provide massive saving both in manpower and technical ways.

Unless you like giving most of everything you earn to a bloated waste government that was run by pirates for the lack of a better word to describe them.

We should "Keel Haul" the entire lot of them....why?...because that's what you do to pirates.

Your we mantra bores me.

You ever take a stand on how evolving actually works against every reality trying to disprove how evolving works daily in plain sight? 7 days a week dividing 6 degrees of separation by 8 hemispheres of reasonable doubt among 5 ancestral lineages with 5 generation gaps simultaneously alive daily sustaining current population each next rotation added from being alive now 24/7?

Tomorrow literally only exists midnight to noon(AM) each rotation end of the literal day is noon to midnight(PM) defining east is east and west is west by prime meridians of 0/360 and 180 Greenwich time(geometrical noon) on rotating planet.

now 52 weeks are divide by 12 months, 4 seasonal shifts happening twice a year and total of 8 climate changes per latitude from equator being prime 0 latitude to the 180 degrees at each of the two axis of rotation points solstices and equinoxes places the 4 seasons opposite one another each rotation.

What is the best 4 dimensional graph possible for all event horizons going on constantly?

Image <My invention.
Red is northern hemisphere, pink is southern hemisphere, blue is night time, green is daytime, yellow is AM orange is PM and the 7 degrees of separation have 6 outside in and one inside out.

Now there are 8 3 sided hemispheres between the 4 horizontal corners of midight, dawn, noon, dusk 8 quadrants of seaonal shifts daily by temperate zones central tropics to each polar icecap. outside in there are 6 polarities of time occupying space in each relative time displaced as 4 grandparents, two parenting the arrival of each great great grandchild.

Now look how genetics sustains ancestral lineages for 3 generation gaps from inception to great grandaprents lived prior to each great geat grandchild born daily making up 5 constant generation gaps never same ancestors twice from inception to extinction event which is no more great great grandchildren ever arriving again.

this is how I discovered the algorithm of compounding chromosomes is a ratio of 30:1 compression proportionate to 100% each great great grandchild is a product of 50% parents, 25% grandparents, 12.5% great grandparents, 6.25% great great leaving 6.25% recessive genes dating back to original great great grandparents inception to the food chain mutated from a species surviving a natural disaster and radlical change in diet until the atmosphere recovered, having added a new species to those still reproducing or became extinct.

All this can and does happen for one reason alone, evolving is self contained to this universal location as it would any other with simliar conditions universally here parallel time spontaneously here, simultaneosuly displaced perpetually balancing in kinetic changes so far.

There is a perpetual motion that cannot be duplicated without destroying everything produced so far. Finite matter sustaining infinite combinations changing forms shaped here now.

Etenity is physically going on now as happening universally here without any intellectual interference or resistance pretending it isn't what it has been all the time.

MY avatar.
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