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Today 2:38 am
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LowIQTrash » Today, 12:42 am » wrote: Most people here would lose their minds if I told them I hold these 2 beliefs simultaneously:


1. Yes, there is a lot of corruption within the federal govt.

(So conservatives actually have a point, although "let's hand the reins over to Wall St" is even more **** retarded and low IQ)

2. No, I don't want a narcissistic, PROVEN PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who (not so subtly) wishes to be "THE FIRST TRILLIONAIRE" to have access to the US Treasury under the guise of "cutting out govt waste and fraud" esp. given his history with accepting govt largesse  Image ... ls_for_27/



How many conjobz are wetting their pants now that I mentioned this little snag?  Image
Once again you make  a very bold statement with strong evidence and reasoning for why you think something doesn't pass the "smell test". 
Yes Musk is the proverbial Fox guarding the hen house.
Thing is...there's so many eyes on him at all times I don't see how he can get away with too much...?.

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