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5 Feb 2025 3:18 pm
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*Beekeeper » Yesterday, 4:04 pm » wrote: Sucks you are that damn UNEDUCATED. The Israelites were INVITED to Egypt by Joseph due to famine and enslaved there by the pharaohs. They LEFT EGYPT to return to their land as promised by God. And Moses led them OUT OF BONDAGE and back to Judah and Israel. THAT happened around 1000-1200 BCE.

So what is it about the JEWS that you hate so much for wanting to LIVE IN PEACE in the LAND THAT IS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS and has been for over 3000 years??

absurd.moses was adopted by the royal family so he was basically a crypto jew...and was racially indistinguishable from Egyptian pharaohs while both jews and Egyptians were physically distinguishable from canaanites...and canaanites were actually semtiic (unlike egyptians) and had lived in the Levant for thousands of archaeologists can confirm...before the 'exodus' which probably happened around 1500 bc (long before your alleged arrival of jews Into egypt)
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