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Today 5:30 am
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Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 8:37 pm » wrote: You bump into that a good bit?

It's you that is ignoring - by way of blather in response - what I said. 

What I said was you spewed stupid, predictable koolaid about the ME being at war with itself for "4,000 years."

And then you blathered, and accused ME oof not responding to YOU. 
Your rationing mind doesn't include series parallel time displaced. MY brain navigates from that position of inhabiting space 1 of 8.13 billion others simply adating to the moment at the same time since their individual fertilized cell arrived.

I fill in the gaps created by statistical averaged facts misled my ancestry throughout history as well as my time alive today. I know how power of suggestion is weaponized for thousands of years in every village raising great great grandchildren to never accept life is self evident time adapting uniquely alive daily here.

this is why I stick to results in plain sight rather than follow character counts and genders are just a green energy resource for ruling elites training brains to beleive i tomorrow 7 rotations a week days change on a calendar midnight to noon and the end of each rotaiton became yesterday's PM 12 hoursnnon to midnight each dawn to dusk today.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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