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Blackvegetable » 42 minutes ago » wrote: Calculator?

To divide 1 by 6?

I can't quite wrap my head around such a dearth of aptitude...

Little Fuelbitch - "I got 2 questions right on the test!"

Mom - " How many questions on the test?"

Little Fuelbitch - "That's irrelevant."
:rofl:  that explains why you got the wrong answer. Did that **** fly at your college? My 3rd grade teacher would totally degrade you for rounding that number up.

The payment in question was $1.2 billion, not $1 billion.
The budget was $6.8 trillion, not $6 trillion. 

Poof, $1.2 billion of tax payer dollars disappears to unnamed sources. Only an idiot would not question where it went.

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