murdock » 57 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Lol, you show what **** idiot you are in real time daily from the start to the end of time daily from it all up in windows from the end.
Because I stand my time against 8.13 bilion other ancestors within this species claiming lie exceeds adapting as eternally spearated since inceptionof the ancestral ineages changing populaiton each rotation last 100,000 years where maybe civilization started corrupting every generation gap forward 7 thousand years agonever been corrected yet before extinciton arrives from the process of ignoring how evolving happens in plain sight.
Should I do my AM is Am and PM is PM and the two planes shall never meet beyond 0/360 longitude to 180 longitude where the two lications are beographically marked Pacifi Ocean and Greenwich prime meridian dawn and dusk are 180 degrees apart at 80 and 270 every rotation dawn to dusk two days are recorded in history 7 days a week, life only evolves adapting to the moment since conception personally places any lifetime native to this atmosphere.
Chant your hyperbole forward and I will whisper self evident way living has always taken place daily.
You have all the realities established last 7,000 years on your side, I only have specific chromosomes combined per ancestor existed so far snce inception on mine.