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Today 10:03 am
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Squatchman » Yesterday, 6:16 am » wrote:   Terrified of trump?
**** that fat otange bitch and his supporters.
Tie up the criminal pedophile republican  congress so it can't get anything done in the 2 years until midterms.
Then once Dems regain control impeach the orange Imam and eject him.
Then impeach Vance.
ALL you REALLY need to DO, is look at is THIS: ... pqnemxwvx/

Donald Trump was (by most Polling agencies) behind Kamala Harris by close to 5 points, AND YET, WON in a modern day LANDSLIDE... IN SPITE of the polls, In SPITE of Democrat election machine, In SPITE of Democrats spending $1.5 Billion, and in SPITE the entire "Fake News" media BLITZ (and LIES)...

YOU and YOUR PARTY need to look at the FACTS... and REALIZE, YOU are in a WORLD of HURT... and everything you're STILL DOING by IGNORING the FACTS,  and HOPING against HOPE that the OLD "Status Quo" will be brought back?  Is a FOOLS BET !!  The PEOPLE are being PROVIDED the TRUTH, and the FACTS... and ALL of it points DIRECTLY to Democrat Party LIES, CORRUPTION, and TAXPAYER ABUSE !!

THIS HORSE is OUT of the coral... and it's NOT going to come back willingly... OR SOON !!

Updated 2 minutes ago
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