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9 Feb 2025 9:32 am
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Cannonpointer » 08 Feb 2025, 3:38 pm » wrote: If you are going to run a cheap fallacy ad dictionarium, at LEAST do a hasty google first, anti-semite. ... e_vignette

a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

Arabs are semites. You don't have to like it. You are anti-semite. I don't have to like it. 

Back to the question: Without resorting to israeli propaganda, tell us why you are anti-semite. If you insist on niggling that you get to kick people out of their ethnic groups on your jew-slave whim, tell us why you are anti-arab. AGAIN, without running israeli propaganda.
It's not a cheap fallacy, unless you don't understand. You give a perfect example of why the term "semite" is out dated. I'll try to explain this without being a total **** dick, I may fail!

Let's flip the script, you and many others here clearly have made antisemitic statements about the Jews. Using your logic, you all also hate all the other semites which includes over 70 different languages and hundreds of millions of people. (Which includes Arabs/Muslims) That's some serious hate! 

Antisemitism is and always has been only targeted towards the Jews.

anti-Semitism, (see Researcher’s Note) hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices.

Google why the word semite is outdated and decided for yourself.

I'll add some more comments,,,,
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