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10 Feb 2025 8:48 am
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*Beekeeper » Today, 7:22 am » wrote: And out there in Libretard land, they ELECTED David HOGGwart to be DNC Vice chair?? To lead them DEEPER INTO OBSCURITY!! With more of the same **** that cost you dickheads the last curb stomping!! But I digress.

US Elections
[img][/img]President Donald Trump has started his second stint in the White House by earning positive reviews from Americans, with especially high marks given for the president keeping campaign promises.

 A large majority of Americans, 70%, believe Trump is doing "what he promised" during the campaign, while just 30% believe the president’s agenda has been "different from promised," according to the results of a CBS/YouGov poll released on Sunday.

 The poll found that Trump’s overall approval on the job so far is 53%, with 47% of respondents indicating they disapprove. Voters also used positive words to describe the president, with 69% describing him as tough, 63% energetic, 60% focused, and 58% effective.

 Many Americans also approve of the job Trump has done so far on key issues, with 59% saying they approve of his program to deport illegal immigrants, while 41% said they do not approve. A larger majority, 64%, indicated they approve of the president’s plan to send U.S. troops to the U.S-Mexico border, while 36% disapprove.

 A majority also responded that they approve of Trump’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, with 54% of Americans saying they approve, compared with 46% who disapprove. However, Americans are less sure about the president’s proposal for the U.S. to take over Gaza following the war, with just 13% responding that it is a "good idea," while 47% say it is a "bad idea" and 40% marked that they were not sure.
I would like to know who the **** the
30% believe the president’s agenda has been "different from promised," are...

Image “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” LAVRENTIY BERIA "Try to get past your passionate ignorance and learn to accept what actually happened." brown's unheeded words of wisdom :rofl:
Updated 3 minutes ago
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