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Yesterday 1:52 pm
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Vegas » 06 Feb 2025, 1:26 pm » wrote: Give a logical thought-out reason why you have defended, and still do today, the nation of Israel. 

And because Fox news said so doesn't count.
1. They are a representative democracy.
2. They treat their citizens fairly.
3. They don't go around starting wars with other people.
4. They don't terrorize citizens of other countries just because they don't get their way.
5. They don't fly planes into sky-scrapers.
6.  They don't behead people they disagree with.
8.  They don't run cars/trucks into pedestrians screaming "DEATH TO INFIDELS".
9.  They don't use children, babies and civilians as "human shields" to inflate the horrors of war for propaganda. 
10. They don't rape, murder and behead people and then post videos to brag about what they did.
11. Israel actually has a productive, capitalist economy that is not centered around murdering people or breeding terrorist militias.
12.  Israel figured out how to re-forest and make arable land out of worthless desert - make the best use of its land as it can, since it can't just open the oil spigot and turn on the cash machine like all of the other sand-nations around it.

Israel is the one European-style democracy out of the whole ****-hole sand-nations.  If I thought Israel did stuff to harm the U.S. or harm other decent nations (i.e. UK, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden-except-for-that-retard-****, Finland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, Australia, Japan - maybe a few others), I would call that spade a spade.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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