Only 53%?
Bidens approval rating just after taking office was 57%.
Trump can't even match that number.
And Biden had over 5 million more votes.
THAT should tell you something...
1) When Trump was down in the polls in 2016 (at 44% I believe), he STILL won the election and showed Hillary Clinton the DOOR !
2) When Trump was down in the polls last November (at 45%), he WON the 2024 election is a LANDSLIDE !
3) Shows you, with empirical evidence, that the polls are historically WRONG by about 5-7%, and ALWAYS favoring Democrats !
4) Trump EXPLODED from 45%, to 53%, in the last 3 months... and IS STILL probably climbing !
5) Donald Trump is PROBABLY UP 57% to 60% in ALL REALITY, RIGHT NOW, and STILL climbing !
SO, WHAT does that tell you about where America is, WHERE the Democrat Party is, and if Trump continues as he is going... WHO is going to WIN this FIGHT?... because THAT is EXACTLY what it is !! democrats are getting TROUNCED, and the more CORRUPTION that comes public, the WORSE it's going to GET !!