Skans » Yesterday, 7:39 pm » wrote: ↑
Homosexuality is a disease. It is not a choice. It is not a genetic anomaly. It is a symptom of a much larger social problem. Fatherless families and something hormonal that is not working correctly in women who are getting pregnant and bearing children. And, I'm not talking about just male homosexuality. I'm including female homosexuality.
Until we understand precisely what causes the disease of Homosexuality, we cannot even begin to prevent it. I think it is linked mostly to fatherless families and/or working mothers. Notice how Amish societies do not experience anything close to the rate of homosexuals in their families as society at large does.
The bottom line - homosexuality is a disease that is preventable.
The majority of homosexuals were molested as children.
The frankfurt school..who were dedicated to preventing another rise of fascism...noticed in the authoritarian personality (adorno et all) that a stereotypically healthy family makes a person most at risk for becoming fascist.
Recently a foster parent was busted in Germany for molesting his children. His records and own testimony suggest that he was a dedicated scholar of the frankfurt school and he was raping children to make them gay and not at risk of becoming fascist.
In short, jews are more comfortable with having more homosexuals around. This is why tel aviv is thr most homosexual city on earth.