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12 Feb 2025 8:52 am
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Squatchman » 17 Mar 2024, 7:00 am » wrote:   Just saw a decision handed down saying it's legal under the 2A that illegals can own guns as long as they haven't been convicted of violent crimes in the past. It's on some of the gun forums I'm a member of.
 Now,I'm thinking a guy with an FFL could make some serious bank by setting up shop near a border crossing and selling guns and ammo to the migrants.
 Can put an AR 15 together by buying it in pieces for less than $400.00 and sell it for $800.00 to $1,000.00 to these first time 2A patriots.
  Oh yeah,this ruling came from a court that is saying a guy named Flores ( illegal immigrant) that killed 3 people legally owned the gun he used.
 The constitution never states you have to be a citizen to own a gun.
  Now what?
  Will gun nuts owners for gun regulations(they're mainly Republicans,a lot aren't though) or embrace these new compadres?  Quite the quandary huh?
 Personally I'm finding this new ruling quite entertaining. People that can't even vote can legally own guns. 
 And the very same people that are worried about military age coming here illegally and attacking our country have made arming them possible.
 What now Republicans? More gun regulations or more illegals legally owning something you think shouldn't be regulated?
They gotta have driver license.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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