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RebelGator » 34 minutes ago » wrote: Early signs would be your 6 yr old boy wants a vacuum cleaner for Christmas.
Not sure if I get the vacuum cleaner reference??? 

However, I can say this.  I knew one queer boy growing up.  He went to school with me 1st grade through 9th.  Now, even though I used words like "****" "***" "mother ****", etc. as a kid, I truly had no idea what any of this meant until much later.  I equated "***" with a sissy, or momma's boy.  I had no idea that anyone would ever put anything in their asshole, or even that boys kissed boys. Heck, kissing a girl was still a mystery to me.

But, since about 3rd or 4th grade, this guy, John, acted very effeminate. He had no guy friends and chose to only associate with girls. On the rare occasions he and I would actually speak to each other, it was contentious.  We even participated in certain activities together, I believe cub scouts, during which he remained uncharacteristically quiet.  I simply couldn't have a normal conversation with the guy.  My younger brother swore John was a girl. I told him, no he's a boy that just acts like a girl.  FWIW, John had short hair and dressed like a boy - you wouldn't think anything of him just by looking at him.

But, by the time he got into 8th grade, he was as queer as a guy could be.  Still had short hair and didn't dress like a girl.  Even then, we just chuckled at him thinking he was weird and "funny-acting".  I think he late on (in his 30's) had a sex change - that's what I heard anyway.  So, in many cases, kids even at an early age, will be able to recognize other kids that "just ain't right".
Updated 4 minutes ago
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