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12 Feb 2025 12:03 pm
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Blackvegetable » 12 Feb 2025, 12:11 pm » wrote: You MAGAts cannot read..

Prosecutors asked why the value of Trump’s Aberdeen property increased by $245m between 2013 and 2014 when Trump appeared to have done little to the property. “Aberdeen is a very rich place. It’s an incredible piece of land, and it may be the greatest golf course ever built,” said Trump.

 He downplayed the importance of the financial statements the judge has already ruled were fraudulent. Shown a financial statement from 2011, Trump pointed out a disclaimer. “We would call it a worthless statement clause,” he said. “They were not really documents that the banks paid much attention to.
You proved my point precisely, *******.  Yeah, after reading it, you had to concede that WHAT YOU QUOTED, what the article's title stated, was not what Trump actually said.  And, still, you have not provided a copy of the transcript to prove what Trump said under oath.  Still, you rely on what a journalist quoted in an article, where the title to the article was not what Trump testified to.  You relied on misleading and false journalism - that's on you.

You really should read the **** you cite to.  Because, I am a very fast reader, I usually already know the truth, and I will annihilate you every time you try to pull off a half-*** stunt like that one, BV.

Furthermore, all of this is a deflection from the OP's question.  Its a deflection because you, Democrat, have nothing to refute the wild and crazy Democrat corruption Trump's team is exposing every day.
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