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Yesterday 1:40 pm
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Squatchman » Today, 9:33 am » wrote: Musk standing over trump and running the show is an image of the most powerless president in history.
In 3 weeks, our fine President has deported tens of thousands of illegals which were costing US taxpayers over $8,700 a year each?  Restarted work to complete the border wall after Democrats did everything in their power to stop it, including having Biden sell off the wall materials for pennies on the dollar so Trump would have to spend far more to complete it?  Restarted the work on the Keystone XL pipeline and eliminate all of Biden's costly fees, restrictions, and regulations on the oil industry which will lower the price of gas and diesel within the next month or two?  Gotten some of our hostages returned and is negotiating a peace deal in the Palestinian/Israeli war by getting neighboring countries to take in thousands of displaced homeless from Gaza?  Forced Columbia to take their illegals back using the Columbian president's own plane?  Gotten every one of his cabinet nominees confirmed so far and exposed the BILLIONS that corrupt Democrats were wasting at USAID?  Rid the White House Press Corp of phony "journalists" who were nothing but paid shills for the "hate Trump" cabal of liberal Democrats?

Is that what a dope like you considers "powerless"?
Trump is doing a GREAT job already, and his approval ratings have risen significantly, much to your dismay!

So, cry your eyes out because you miss your demented, corrupt pedophile and the softball questions his fawning media gave him, because it was SO important to learn what flavor ice cream your brain-dead hero likes best!

Read 'em and weep, dickhead:
Updated 4 minutes ago
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