Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
392 posts
*GHETTOBLASTER » Today, 6:08 am » wrote: ↑
Now that millions of prevailing wage harming and union busting Illegal aliens are getting should be able to sleep better knowing that your UAW pension plan will be there for you.......oooops my mistake you are one of those Illegal Alien loving Libtards who works for a non union Sweat Shop with zero pension.
You Illegal Alien loving / Trade Union hating traitors deserve to work until you die, right there at your work stations.
ooops.. the definition of humanity.
Who the eff wishes Lindsey Graham Mr No Family Man a free pass?
You are on the wrong side of Cupid.
Don't feel bad.. My DNA ends with me to barring some kind off magic intervention.
Happy Procreation Day! May your Vaginas be deep.