Two law professors wrote of the Supreme Court: 'When they finally consider this question, the justices will find that the case for Mr. Trump’s order is stronger than his critics realize'...
The LAW: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside,"... however:
The ARGUMENT: "Does a citizen of another country who violated the laws of this country to gain entry and unlawfully remain here "pledge obedience" to the laws in exchange for the protection and benefit of those laws?" the professors asked. "Clearly, the parents are not enemies in the sense of an invading army, but they did not come in amity," Were NOT legal residents under legal definitions of citizenship...They gave no obedience or allegiance to the country when they entered — one cannot give allegiance and promise to be bound by the laws through an act of defiance of those laws."
Donald Trump did his homework !! I say there is a 60% change he wins at the supreme court...