JohnnyYou » Yesterday, 8:46 pm » wrote: ↑
Yeah, I was enlightened by an associate that Clinton's federal budget success was finagled.
Numbers never lie. People Do. We are all One in A Hole in this American Golf Round.
The single most common reason people frequent chat rooms is to instigate a gotcha! or witness one.
I find that there are interesting viewpoints sometimes because even an idiot has a good idea once in a while.
There are a few outlooks I've had a change of heart on since a post piqued my interest enough to investigate further.
People that "gotta win" here all the time bore the living **** out of me. Even the dead **** too sometimes...
So, seeing the phrase "I was enlightened by..." lifted my cold, lump of coal, heart just enough
that I stepped back from the edge of the precipice. Just knowing there is another vulnerable fawn is enough.
Please seat yourself.
I like the very things you hate.