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18 Feb 2025 10:55 pm
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
35,577 posts
*GHETTOBLASTER » 15 minutes ago » wrote: Well lookie here... ... -hysteria/
looks like a good article on the subject.
That site is telling the truth about ebola and colloidal silver -. but to a bad end. Offering to sell the reader a silver colloid production unit is not being honest. The best silver solution you can make at home is going to be ionic - not colloidal. As soon as you ingest ionic silver, your digestive system immediately converts it to a silver salt. It isn't toxic, but it also isn't effective internally. It's only useful externally. 

A true colloid never breaks down. Sea water is an excellent example. If you make a five gallon bucket of koolaid and leave it on your porch, the next day you will have a bucket of water with some powder and some sugar on the bottom. If you leave a bucket of sea water on your porch, in 100 years it will still be seawater. That is the distinction between a true colloid and a solution. Ionic silver solution is the very best you can make at home - and I speak from experience. I used to make it, and until I got more educated, I thought I was making colloidal silver. 

The amount of energy it takes to bond the silver to the water in a colloidal relationship is enormous. I know of only one source I trust to deliver a true colloidal silver to my house, and that is Purest Colloids. Their silver product is MesoSilver.

To my knowledge, there is not one health food store IN AMERICA that is selling the public a true colloidal silver. I have offered proof of this to a couple of store whose owners I believed to be legit, and they took no action to correct their business model. Even the health ranger is selling alleged colloidal silver products - though it appears only as mouth washes and such. 
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