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Yesterday 11:25 am
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RebelGator » 21 Feb 2025, 8:23 am » wrote: Seems they were celebrating the latest hostage exchange where Hamas produced 4 dead hostages. Two of the dead were children, aged 9 months and 4 years of age. Their supposed mother was also included, though Israeli authorities are saying it was a substituted corpse of unknown origin. An 85 year completed the exchange. The bodies were taken for forensic examination to determine how long the children were dead and that they appeared to have been tortured.

Anyone want to defend this....J-Rab, BV, 'Smello, anyone?
There are no more live hostages.  What could possibly be holding Israel back from annihilating all Gazans? 

Historically, the leaders of countries and empires realized that if they didn't eradicate a population that warred with them, they would eventually come back and want to war some more. Genocide has always been a part of war.  Even Putin has committed genocide on the Ukrainians. Any Ukes that survive in territories taken by Russia will just want to war some more. Putin knows this and will eradicate them.

Leftists and weak-kneed, cowering, fight-avoidance people have been sheltered from violence and death, and do not understand the first thing about war.  Its ugly, and ugliness following a won-war is necessary to bring about a lasting peace.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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