Skans » Today, 12:52 pm » wrote: ↑
They were at war. Gaza's military was hiding under these buildings using them as shields. There's an overwhelming amount of evidence of this. Like I've said, when one nation attacks another without provocation, I believe the defending nation has the right to exterminate all people of the attacking nation. I do not believe in wars where soldiers try to save the lives of their enemies. That is some kind of weirdo Y2K newage, hippie-dippy ****.
Stalin killed off enemies who threatened his nation.
Hitler killed off people he perceived would threaten the survival of his nation.
Bush killed off hoards of Afghani's in retaliation for attacking the US.
The VC tried to eradicate the South Vietnamese.
The North Koreans tried to eradicate the Koreans who opposed them.
Rome annihilated enemies who threatened their empire.
The Turks eradicated Armenians after the Armenians started **** with the Turks.
Revolutionary War - British sympathizers were exterminated or forced to flee to Canada.
The US Civil War - blacks were saved from extermination. How did that work out?
Just some historic examples.