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Yesterday 9:30 pm
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Cannonpointer » 53 minutes ago » wrote: Are you in a dream world, child? How the **** is anyone in Europe - meaning Germany, let's be serious, here - gonna make cars? They have a two legged stool, and both legs are rotten.
Germany has high resource costs, because it has very few mineral resources.
Germany has high labor costs, because it is a civilized country with a large pro-labor movement.
Germany HAD cheap energy (and brilliant engineers) - and was therefore able to overcome those two enormous handicaps.But THAT leg of the stool - the one that actually held the weight - well, it's gone. It went bye bye. 

Google "Nord Stream pipeline," and see what you find out. What you are going to find out, if you have any sense at all, is that the days of Germany building cars the market can afford are over.
You posted "any sense at all"....Id say "any SACK at all"
Updated 4 minutes ago
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