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Today 5:54 am
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Blackvegetable » 21 minutes ago » wrote: You, and your fellow white fundies, put a rapist felon in the oval office..

Did I mention that he was "Worse than Buchanan "?

Are you people morons?
You are a denier falsifying last election results. There was a major swing percentages of votes came from black, brown, yellow, red ancestral lineages citizens to this country in 2024. not to mention males and females tired of being blamed for what malcontents contend life isn't self evident time personally living eternally separated by the moment here in plain sight of equally adapting to space in a body never same details twice.

Remember what the Mayan Calendar predicted to happen 12/21/2012. Your Orwellian 1984 social mentality is busted..
Updated 4 minutes ago
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