RebelGator » 35 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
Since you wouldn't answer, I'll give you a clue.....Hezbollah alone has fired over 10,000, without regard as to who or how many they kill.....and yet you cheer them on.
---------------------------------- ... ual-fight/
For 73 years Palestinians have been fighting for their survival and Israel has been trying to bomb them out of existence, with the implicit help of the United States of America. An independent state of Palestine becomes a distant reality with every attack by Israel. The change in demographics and policy of expansionism narrates a continuous story of hegemony and domination by Israel. The picture is lucid if one just looks at changing areas under control of Israel and those inhabited by Palestinians on the Israel-Palestine map over the years since 1948. While the world sympathises with Jews for the Holocaust they faced during World War II, that cannot become an excuse for putting the Palestinian-Arab population through a similar experience. When will the Israeli cruelty on Palestinians end? All Israel-Palestine conflicts since 1948 have been lopsided with Palestinians facing heavy casualties. With the economic blockade by Israel, Palestine has become a huge open prison where citizens are denied basic human rights.