TUMP, BONDI, PATEL, BONGINO have all said, "Rooting out the corrupt and bring them to justice is job one."
The money laundering scheme is so big that it rivals LARGE 1st world economies.
Who's behind it?...pretty much everyone with a long history in DC., both elected and bureaucratic.
Pure Progressive in nature as both parties where infiltrated by greed, power and money,
Trillions embezzled, wasted, kicked back....and they their only goal is to get American's fighting each other over the new guy in town who's trying to clean it all up.
These exact same people allow deadly forms of narcotics, child sex trafficking, disease and terrorism to cross our borders unimpeded.
So what do you say?.....full speed ahead and keep doing what we've been doing or change it?
The people involved in this MASSIVE Taxpayer money laundering scheme want to keep the scheme going at any cost
History will tell you that this isn't the first time Progressives in America have tried this