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jerra b
Today 1:34 pm
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Cannonpointer » 25 minutes ago » wrote: Okay. That answered everything. 

Well, almost everything. I didn't see Elon lie about whether anyone was alive. I heard Trump suggest - extremely realistically - that some of the payees on the teat might not be real live human beings. 

If you want them to use an "x" when they respond to the email "checking their pulse," that's okay with me. But they DO need to respond, since they ARE getting a check every two weeks. I mean, if your boss emails you with an RSVP, do YOU think it's okay to ignore the email? Would YOU still expect a check?

But far more to the point, who the **** are you to simply declare by fiat that not ONE FEDERAL WORKER could possibly be a false account - that the system has never been gamed, that no one is aggregating deposits fraudulently, that every last account receiving salary deposits does in fact belong to a real 3D human being that is using the money to feed his family? Seriously - what gives you the absolute gall to call **** on an audit of an agency that cuts millions of checks every week and hasn't been keeping trustworthy records?

And why the **** would it be in any way dishonest just to simply ask your employees to CHECK IN WITH YA??? Why? What is dishonest about a mass email asking workers to signify that they exist and are employed by the federal government? How hard is it to respond to a work email?

Maybe I missed something. If I did, please explain what I missed. Because the video you provided leaves me with the answer I just gave.

I never said they should not respond.  an x would prove they have a pulse. he asked for more than if they had a pulse. an x would suffice-- he wanted details of the work they did but he said at the cabinet meeting he was just checking for a pulse which was a lie- he also said lied when he said all he was doing was checking on computers.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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