Cannonpointer » 13 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
By the way, I've been on speaking terms with Trump for a number of years. You know how he's always saying, "People tell me..."? I'm one of those people. And the last time we spoke, a couple of weeks ago (I've been busy), I asked him how he felt about uppity Kurds.
Y'know what he said? He said, "Some Kurds are so uppity. Maybe the MOST uppity in history. I love the Kurdish people - they're fine people. But some of them CAN be uppity. And the uppity ones are the MOST uppity you'll ever see - believe me, believe me, you never saw such uppitiness.
I never saw such uppitiness, and I have a lot of experience with uppity people. They can be very uppity."
"But as far as how I feel about them? About uppity Kurds - we're talking about uppity Kurds, right? As far as uppity Kurds go, I like to spank them in the oval office on camera after my wingman **** in their throats. Believe me, he **** yugely in their throats - you never saw throat **** like this. And if you're president, they just take it. They open their throats for your wingman, and then they bend over for their woodshedding. Believe me - you never saw anything like it."
Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi, the Affies, Vietnamese, and Daniel Ortega
have told similar tales of love and betrayal. Except that Gadaffi dressed better.
I like your style.