31stArrival » Yesterday, 4:23 pm » wrote: ↑
you omitted 0 degrees longitude is the International dateline and 15 degrees is the 2nd longitude of 0-23 creating 24 time zones all together as 0 is also the completed 360 rotation daily which is midnight on replications mapping the Earth's surface.
Longitudes don't rotate since they mark event horizons between dawn to dusk and dusk to dawn north and south of 0 degrees latitude/equator and polar axses of alternate seasons each solstice and equinox. 4 days a year regardless 365 or 366 days.
oh, I see I typed longitude again, my mistake, I meant the latitude, that's the one I don't get, it's 4 days a year but where do the 15 degrees come from?
In memory of Pumpkins