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Today 6:03 am
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Jantje_Smit » 13 minutes ago » wrote: That's some impressive intellectual armageddon, it took some effort but I think I get it now, the 15 degrees of longitude bring about the days and the days bring about the seasons, it's all caused by the same rotations.. longitude vs latitude doesn't matter when now is eternity, it does matter in reality though, it's still cold at the latitude over here, I want it to be spring..

Spring in the northern hemisphere is fall in the southern, this is how I came up with 8 hemispheres to this one atmosphere.

the other benefit of this is it covers last 3 generation gaps added horizontal plane is 4 grandparents, to polar ends of the vertical are 2nd generation of mom and dad, third generation is each ancestor arriving in the center of 6 degrees of separation occupying time inhabiting space now.

See I cover periodic elements of this universal location and account for any type of ancestral chain reaction of the food chain native to this one location one lifetime at a time.

The way of weight matters as positioned universally here. kinetic specific gravity of the situation being alive one of a kind equally inhabiting space now.
Self evident truth every brain is navigating regardless how they believe humanity is larger than adapting forward now.

Back to covering all nuances to power of suggesting life exceeds adapting here so far. The core of the "Original sin" being social self deception working in every generation gap of each ancestral lineage today.

I didn't make up what people chose to mind and I won't take sides of a we mentality telling me i don't count socially unless I pretend now isn't eternity.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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