*Huey » Yesterday, 11:20 am » wrote: ↑
I answered that question years Agok. YOU are. ****** afraid to address the challenge and questions involved the link. Because you know if you answer the, honest,y you will complete the absolutely epic curbstomping I gave you.
Go ahead and post your personal experience with those multiple weapons, DP. Mine is extensive . Yours is none.
Try again, DP.
Blackvegetable » Yesterday, 11:33 am » wrote: ↑
*Huey » Yesterday, 11:20 am » wrote: ↑
I answered that question years Agok.
YOU are. ****** afraid to address the challenge and questions involved the link. Because you know if you answer the, honest,y you will complete the absolutely epic curbstomping I gave you.
Go ahead and post your personal experience with those multiple weapons, DP. Mine is extensive . Yours is none.
What was your answer?
Dishonest Prick, you know what my answer was and still is. Are you the dishonest prick that claims he has the superior recall? You don't and never did. I hope your daughter reads this forum so she can see what a complete POS with no integrity or character her father is.