Genocide is a natural consequence of every human conflict. It is how the strong purge the weak from ever injecting their DNA into future generations. It is also how the Victor of a war brings lasting peace to a region.
The World never remembers a
successful Genocide. It's populations simply move on. When the Russians annihilated the Circassian people of the North Caucasus (Muslims), the Circassian genocide was carried out as an almost perfect ethnic cleansing. When the Pakistani army crushed a revolt by Bengali separatists, they completed a mass ethnic extermination. The World does not grieve for the exterminated people. When the Ottoman Turks executed the most able-bodied Armenian men, they forcibly marched the rest of the Armenians into the desert under the guise of relocation and let them perish from exposure, only a tiny handful of Armenians cried about the injustice. But the World really doesn't care. It mostly has deaf ears and moves on.
So, why do the Woke cry about genocide? Or, perhaps the question I should ask is "why do the Weak cry about genocide"? Perhaps they sense something others don't yet sense. Perhaps they sense they will be next....and the World will not care.