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Johnny You
Yesterday 6:39 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Cannonpointer » 01 Mar 2025, 8:59 am » wrote: That isn't a law.

You should read the book, Dead Doctors Don't Lie. Doctors are products of an education system which addresses almost exclusively sickness. Eastern medicine addresses almost exclusively wellness. Both have strengths and weaknesses. But beyond its primary focus, western medicine has been overtaken by big pharma. The education system and the licensing system are controlled by agents of big pharma.

When a doctor slogs through the herculean task of getting his diploma, passing his boards, becoming certified, and completing the ungodly hours of a residency, he is given letters behind his name. Those letters are a code. They say precisely what he can do, what he can prescribe, what palliatives he can offer. He becomes a bag man. He has a bag. And he is legally allowed to make his living selling what is in that bag. If he sells anything that is not in that bag, he loses his license. Or he loses admitting privileges at his local hospital. Or perhaps he goes to jail - all depends on the threat level of his stepping out of line.

This is not an exaggeration - this is an actual fact in regulatory law: If you found that eating 16 bananas in one sitting and drinking a quart of apple cider vinegar and taking two aspirin cured cancer, and you proved it by accessing an oncologist's patient list and curing the lot of them; and then you demonstrated to that oncologist to his absolute certainty that your cure works, the next guy who walked into his office would not hear one whisper about the cure that oncologist now knows exists - and here is why:

1. It's illegal for him to talk about anything that isn't in his bag;
2. He has an enormous investment in selling what is in his bag.

This may seem difficult to credit, but if you look very closely at one and two, you will notice that they comprise betwixt them the most proven control mechanism in the history of men and donkeys: a carrot, and a stick.

So, the owner of a medical diploma is a closely controlled tool of big pharma, which is a for-profit, multi-trillion dollar institution. I don't know whether you have any idea how change averse multi-trillion dollar institutions are, but they will step on and squish anyone practicing medicine in a manner adverse to the machine.

There is copious peer reviewed evidence that mask-wearing was the primary cause of the mass die-off in the Spanish Flu epidemic. The masks do not prevent dust, particulate matter, virus, spores, or fungi from entering. But they DO form a vapor barrier and prevent them from leaving. Surgeons wear them to protect OPENED UP patients. They do not protect patients whose body is not laid open. They do not protect the surgeon. They are not meant to be worn for extended periods of time.

Every time you change your mask, you do so because it is funky and you know it is unhealthy to continue wearing it. Well, you are not God - you cannot achieve perfection in anything. So the odds that you will switch masks PRECISELY when the one you are wearing is beginning to **** you up are nil. You would never add anything that **** with your car's exhaust. The question is why you care less for yourself than you do for your car.

If masks are not hurting you, why change out? Save some money and just wear the same one for weeks.

Putting your faith in authority figures in an age of deception is not a safe bet. Especially when those authority figures are constrained from speaking any truth contrary to the interests of unseen controllers who use the media to e-ssassinate and medical boards to decertify and - if push comes to shove - policemen to kick down doors.
Weigh the risks of a small tiny recession kids..
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