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Blackvegetable » 9 minutes ago » wrote: Why I don't waste my time

You don't "waste your time" because YOU GOT YOUR *** MASSIVELY TORN TO SHREDS and YOU **** KNOW IT!!

As does everyone else on this forum!!

Here's one for you, from a PhD economist..
When monetary and fiscal policy produce inflation, they typically do so for an extended period of time, counted in years rather than months. That is inflationary policy.

 A one-time shift in consumer prices does not cause a sustained increase in the inflation rate. That is true for the imposition of tariffs, or a one-time increase in oil prices or a change to safer workplace rules that lowers productive capacity. These changes raise prices once but do not lead to higher inflation year after year.
 Dr. Bill Conerly earned a Ph.D. in economics from Duke. After three years as a professor, Dr. Conerly found his calling in the business world. He began as a corporate economist (PG&E, Nerco, First Interstate Bank) and then entered consulting, helping business leaders connect the dots between the economy and business decisions. Dr. Conerly wrote two books (Businomics and The Flexible Stance) to help corporate executives and small business owners understand how the economy impacts their companies, and how they can better manage risks and opportunities. He served four governors on Oregon's Council of Economic Advisors and currently is chairman of the board of Cascade Policy Institute. His fans love his monthly newsletter in graphical format, a 60-second scan of the economy.  The latest edition is always up at, and notice the link to subscribe for free on that page.
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
Updated 5 minutes ago
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