Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
36,499 posts
*Huey » Today, 5:19 pm » wrote: ↑
Roshambo has one post and is tagged as a moderator. At first, before the moderator rank I though he was a SOK of BV because all he does is give Reddies.
Anyone know about this poster?
Stop playing victim.
LMAO! Talk about projection! The OP is about being a victim. Maybe you should do more talk on actual political or current events and less childish games of gotcha and school yard taunts.
He is one of the most dishonest POS posters it has been my displeasure to know over the years
If it is that important Askholio and you think it is that important to your alleged case post it your **** self and make a case.
It appears you are either intentionally lying OR you are ig no rant of how the forum tools work.
Why is it everyone else has to do tour work?
Nah, just civilly disagreeing with knowledge of the fact getting reddies pisses you off to the point you are gonna do that. FUn to watch.
As I have told you before that is a quick way to show disagreement without wasting forum space. You want to post here put on your big boy pants.
He cries and whines when he gets reddies.
Are all of the above words yours?
Someone is running from a question!