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Johnny You
Yesterday 12:43 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,259 posts
*GHETTOBLASTER » 19 minutes ago » wrote: Speaking of Cohen-cidences....I watched a little of [[[Mark Levin]]] on [[[FOX]]] tonight and the subject was [as usual] making  "anti semitism" a so called "hate speech" crime.
I don't watch Levin  often but it seems like this is all I ever see him talking  about.

I shudder to think how many so called  "US Constitution loving" and  "freedom  of thought loving"    FOX News watchers   Image   are  on board with this anti American ****...?
I hope there are more Conservatives than not who will vote with their wallets and shun FOX News for promoting Orwellian  "Hate Speech Laws"..
We know your willingness for freedom is waning.  Everyone is free to believe what they want as long as it aligns with your philosophy. It's called narcissism.

Happy Sunday!  You are welcome to the Church of the Quantum Gurus anytime.  We have eternity.
We are opposed to being trapped in  the Judeo-Islamic-Christian Triangle of Doom.   Don't you have a GAZA to make Great White Again?
Updated 4 minutes ago
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