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jerra b
Yesterday 2:21 pm
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Zeets2 » Today, 10:55 am » wrote: Why do you believe that aid given to Israel will bankrupt the country when Trump has ALREADY saved us tens of billions in foreign aid that he's stopped in just his first month in office?

Are you so dumb that you think supporting the only democracy in the Middle East and our strongest allies is such a danger to our fiscal solvency, but don't have a single complaint about how the idiot Democrats YOU voted for funded THIS kind of stupidity that Trump and Musk have rooted out?: 
  • n
our so called ally does what ever it wants to the palatianinians and then cries when it gets attacked, just like iran bombed israel after israel bombed the crap out of gaza. over and over again america has to spend money every time it wants to screw the palastianians and get attacked over again and then cries for money from america. they are friends like the friends who continually drive drunk and then end up in jail wanting to get bailed out over and over again plus wanting money for lawyers fees etc, how many times do we bail them out until we learn that friends like that we don't need? and as long as we continue to give israel money to bomb other countries, including gaza there will be no peace in the me.

rebuilding gaza is not foreign aid because there are the other countries willing to it and america does not have to spend a dime.

your list does not have anything to   do with spending billions of dollars rebuilding gaza when we don't have to.

all america has to is implement a two state solution which all the countries including russia wants.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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