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*Beekeeper » 08 Mar 2025, 8:00 pm » wrote: I doubt enough would switch over to make much of a difference. The reality is, Dhims have NO ONE leading them now and no prospects of any leader(s) in the near future. A couple might step forward, but they are so weak, it will not result in them have any salvation from their own ****.

They have lurched so far left that hell, even Stalin would kick their asses out of the USSR or put them in the gulags. And any of their attempts to take over the Republican party would be met with the same removal. WE DO have leaders, lots on the bench that are very strong and approachable. Dhims have no one meeting that definition.
I agree that no one of substance is leading them.  But, SOMEONE is leading them.  How did 12 of them make the same, video saying the identical thing?  And, who coordinated that cringy video of Congresswomen bouncing up and down?
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