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Today 2:32 pm
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Blackvegetable » 13 minutes ago » wrote: Donald Trump: When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on Day One
Probably a better phrasing would be:  "When I win, I will immediately START the PROCESS to bring prices down, starting on Day One !!  WHICH he has done !

BTW... WHAT IDIOT would think that an inflation problem that took YEARS to CREATE... could be resolved in "ONE DAY"?... I'm willing to give Trump some TIME to actually achieve the GOAL... and I think the VAST majority of Americans will also... It's just RABID, DRAIN DEAD Democrats (like YOU) who refuse... because Trumps is ACTUALLY cleaning UP the MESS that it took Democrats YEARS to create... and YOU DON'T WANT THAT !!!
Updated 3 minutes ago
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