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Yesterday 6:01 pm
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Blackvegetable » 18 minutes ago » wrote: He's a Marine Corps General.

Grifty is a rapist felon.

You're an imbecile.

John Kelly was chastised by Trump, and now has it in for him...  Donald Trump was elected president TWICE, Kelly was appointed by GOD KNOWS who... and I believe Trump 1000x more than ANYTHING Kelly says...

Trump was convicted by a KANGAROO court, and lets see what the court of appeals says... because I DO NOT think the conviction will stand... AND, America KNEW about that BEFORE the election... so FRIKKIN Democrats should ACCEPT it... what the people said THRU the election was, that the Weaponized DOD, FBI, and Courts were wrong... and democrats CAN'T accept that..

BUT, YOU don't understand that?... SO WHO, is the IMBECILE ??

...turn around and fart... :loco:  
Updated 2 minutes ago
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