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Today 7:27 pm
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Blackvegetable » 28 minutes ago » wrote: For ****'s sake shut your wooly headed yap...
  • In December 2023, the US produced a record 13.3 million barrels of crude oil per day. 
  • In August 2024, the US produced a record 13.4 million barrels of crude oil per day. 
  • In 2023, the US produced an average of 12.9 million barrels of crude oil per day. 
Kill yourself. 

FIRST... "million barrels per day"?  NO FRIKKIN CHANCE... MORON !

TRUTH... after going from 8900 barrels per day in Nov 2016 tot 12,900 barrels per day in Dec. 2019... it fell to 10,500 per day in June 2020 under Joe Biden... and didn't reach that level again until mid 2023... after OIL prices SPIKED, and inflation started to RISE !

KILL MYSELF?... HELL, I WAS RIGHT !... YOU IMAGINED numbers that you THOUGHT were safe... BUT they ONLY proved MY POINT!  YOU might want to think about it though... because YOU have 4 more years of Trump, and maybe a LOT MORE (with JD Vance) after that !

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