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Yesterday 2:15 pm
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Blackvegetable » Today, 8:06 am » wrote: It's only fallen 9% in 3 weeks..
So??? Even 15-20% is STILL within the standards set for MARKET CORRECTION, DIKSUKM!!

You really are THAT **** stupid to post FEAR PORN and expect people to believe it aren't you? SMART investors are sitting on the sidelines with the PROFITS they took and will REINVEST inside of 2-3 weeks and guess what all that BUYING DOES, DIKSUKM??

You're a **** IDIOT!!
Liberals are spoiled children, miserable, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic & useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats ~O'Rourke

The Democratic Party seems intransigent on their position of keeping the party ‘woke,’ detached, exclusionary, and totally insane.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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