TwoIfByTea » 12 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
i drove several years a Carrier called "Bolt Express" based in Toledo Ohio.
Their main buisness was hauling auto parts Canada & Mexico.
I was the "American" Driver got it across American Highways.
From Toledo Ohio or Detroit they had Canada Truckers take it to Windsor or Toronto..
Down in Laredo Texas we had a yard & terminal on the Texas side of river ya drop a trailer there and a Mexican Trucker bring you a loaded for Detroit & ya switched trailers and paperwork
That was a very good "paying" job too I took home 800 a Grand per week after taxes & Blue Cross insurance my weekly was $75 bucks a paycheck employee contribution back then for Health Coverage.
After afew years doing that I lost my freaking mind and last load up to Toledo I packed up my stuff went back to Wisconsin