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Today 8:30 am
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JohnnyYou » Today, 6:04 am » wrote: It's phooking rich you are complaining about Elites as you enjoy "Elon"gating the sodomy of everyday Americans.
WHAT Elon Musk is doing is DE-FANGING the UN-ELECTED, Democrat APPOINTED & CONTROLLED, Government Bureaucracy...

THAT'S RIGHT... The UN-Elected Bureaucracy that CONTROLS where HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of $$$ of American TAXPAYER dollars are spent each year... which CONTROL Americas REGULATIONS, LAWS, and HUNDREDS of other critical criteria that CONTROLS how people live, HOW Businesses are operated, and HOW America is GOVERNED... ALL of WHICH SHOULD be the under the control of "We the People", and/or their DULY ELECTED Representatives...  NOT an UN-ELECTED Bureaucracy !!

YOU have a LOT of GALL, attacking Musk for CORRECTING a WRONG that the DEMOCRAT PARTY has perpetrated on America, over the years... WELL.. NOW it's NOW being UN-DONE !!   ...and the American people SUPPORT it...

SO, where does that leave YOUR SORRY *** ???
Updated 2 minutes ago
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