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jerra b
Today 1:47 pm
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Zeets2 » Today, 10:37 am » wrote: Simple. 
Israel would support it.

But that's irrelevant.  Unless and until neighboring Arab countries accept millions of potential terrorists who will continue their efforts to destroy Israel into their country, Trump's offer has been rejected.  So why should the US do anything?  If Palestinians still refuse to accept the Jewish state, they should be left to wallow in their bombed out country from the war they started.  

Of course, Jew haters like you would prefer to put the cart before the horse.  There should be is NO attempt or even an offer to rebuild Gaza UNLESS they rewrite their charter eliminating the Hamas government entirely and agreeing to peacefully co-exist with Israel FIRST!  Until then, the destruction of the country and the results of the war they started should remain as is.  NO victorious country should do a thing to repair the damage done to Gaza without first getting their unconditional surrender and a total commitment to end their own hostilities.

show where the people of gaza reject any peaceful treaty with israel.

Updated 2 minutes ago
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