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Yesterday 3:31 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
36,814 posts
Zeets2 » Today, 1:52 pm » wrote: It's been posted a dozen or more times, and the margin is completely irrelevant.  Just like you dumb liberals are now irrelevant.  Is the popular vote total a majority by millions of voters or not?  THAT is the ONLY relevant point and you can't face it!
ANY election that gives one side the electoral college majority, the popular vote majority, the majority in the Senate, the majority in the House, the victory in EVERY swing state, and cements a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future IS A LANDSLIDE ELECTION!
So stop your crying, change your diaper, and move on bitchboy!

You want to see the numbers?  Post them again yourself, dimwit!  I don't do black boy fetching!  You'd think even the dumbest baboon would have learned that by now!
Updated 2 minutes ago
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