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Johnny You
Today 3:47 am
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31stArrival » 45 minutes ago » wrote: It is a philosophy life exceeds adapting as displaced since arriving a fertilized cell. Actual evolving shows now is eternity every heartbeat shared daily by all life native to this atmosphere.

It is an acknowledgement of what my brain navigates each heartbeat I had after conception.

what do you understand nobody of faith accepts about eternal life in plain sight? this moment alive exists by my time living eternally separated one of a kind with unique chromosomes conception to decomposed corpse.

Every day of the week is extended beyond actual time each rotation happens by 3 minutes and 56 seconds in the factual 24/7 mantra of every reality working today.
Why there is a February 29 every 4th year since 16th century. Y2K was supposed to drop that February 29, and humanity didn't do it in the year 2000 AD.

Equality accounted for in my proportionately 1 in over 8.14 billion humans occupying time now alive, situation. That self evident thingy.

Why is the international dateline in the pacific ocean not parallel to 0/360 degrees longitude?

Why is noon the 180 degrees Greenwich prime meridian that defines the planet as east and west never meet dawn to dusk nor dusk to dawn as midnight is the factual divide of 7 days a week and God created the universe in 6 ways not 8 days?

How is the equator 0 degrees latitude of temperate zones on this rotating planet staying 3rd rock from this specific star universally here?

A short answer is there was a contribution to navigation by  carpenter who made a clock out of wood that kept time accurately to 1 second, improving geo location using the stars.   Changes in lat lon can be fun, they can also be deadly.


Updated 5 minutes ago
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