Blackvegetable » Today, 6:06 am » wrote: ↑
Every so often, Al Juhnke, executive director of the Nebraska Pork Producers Association, says he'll get a phone call from one of his farmers about how to solve Nebraska's severe labor shortage..
It goes something like this: "Al, I got a great idea. Why don't we invite any immigrants? Legal, illegal … I don't care. Invite them to Nebraska because we have lots of openings out on our farm and we need help."
Thanks to mass deportations, this is how that conversation will be forced to go....
"Sorry, but it looks like the days of getting filthy rich off of the backs of Illegal Alien Scab labor is over.
You might need to sell off your race cars, your vacation properties, some of your classic car collection and give up your Big Game hunting expeditions for a while.
If you pay your LEGAL IMMIGRANT WORKERS THE PREVAILING WAGE you will be doing a better job of sharing YOUR WEALTH and you will also be running a legitimate business that pays into the system like all other legit business owners have to do.
The days of us getting rich illegally are over...
Sorry guy but it's time for all employers to "ante up" just like everyone else has to."