MR-7 » Today, 6:35 am » wrote: ↑
hit the other runner in the back of the head....
The other runner suffered a concussion after falling...The parents of the girl who lost her balance causing the baton to strike the other runner, are supporting her, even after seeing the video, they believe her. ... =119663131
When i was young, it was track and field. Now it's whack the field. 
Africanized-Americans are unstable and too volatile to be permitted to participate with normal black folks. They are one dead brain cell away from the condition known as "The Termite Sticking"....see below
Once a normal black person experiences life firmly planted in the Progressive Plantation they develop a brain rot that causes the brain to swell....similar to but not limited to what we see in Dickheads like BV the TDS Dickhead and Sumela the Dickhead Anda Ballz.
There is no cure at that point.....they become violent, socially irresponsible and suffer from severe degenerate urges.